Friday, August 28, 2009

Scootin' Along

Check me out taking my new scooter for a whirl around the neighborhood. I LOVE it!

Friday, August 21, 2009

I Think I Can, I Think I Can...

I mentioned in a previous post about how hard I'm trying to get up on my knees to crawl. Here's some proof the paparazzi caught...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Vacation Continues...

While in St. Louis we checked out the City Museum and The Magic House. I have to say, my favorite place was The Magic House. I could have spent days there!

Here I am sliding down the huge slide with Dad at the City Museum. (It was fast!)

It wasn't just all fun and games while on vacation. Here I am conducting some "presidential business" while at The Magic House...

Four score and seven years ago...

After my speech it was off to the construction zone...
Operating heavy machinery is serious business...

Walking the tight rope...

Cash enjoying all of the excitement from his stroller...

Pit Crew Chief Cooper...

Monday, August 17, 2009

The Lou

Last month Mommy and Daddy took us on a mini-vacation to St. Louis. We stayed in a great hotel suite that just happened to be right across the street from the Galleria Mall (coincidence? I think not since Mommy booked the hotel room.) I loved the waffles they served up for breakfast and also riding up and down the "alligator" (that's what I kept calling the elevator). The first place we visited was the Butterfly House. I thought it was pretty neat and as soon as we walked in butterflies were EVERYWHERE! One even landed on Daddy's shoulder! The temperature inside is 85 degrees with 75% humidity. So if any of you know about they type of hair Mom and I have you can imagine when we walked out of there we were sporting some serious 'fros. Even Cash had a baby 'fro! Humidity + our hair = bad news.

Here we are lounging around in bed before heading out for the day...

Sitting in the butterfly chair...

Cash and his tiny 'fro...(See I wasn't kidding!)

Check back tomorrow for more pics from our trip. Next up, the City Museum and The Magic House!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

4 Month Report

Yes I'm behind once again (considering I'm turning 5 months soon), but here's what I've been up to this past month...

I have learned to roll over from belly to back. As you may recall, I rolled from back to belly at 3 months of age. So now there is no holding me back! Plus now when Mom puts me on my belly I try my hardest to get up on my knees. No luck with that yet, but I am really working hard to start crawling. Mom and Dad have already decided I am going to be early at crawling and walking, just like my big brother was. Mom's not sure she's ready for two mobile kids yet, but I guess she'll find out soon enough! I'm also a drooling and chewing monster! No sign of teeth just yet, but I am working hard at it! Mom ordered me Sophie the Giraffe (at Fischer's recommendation) and I must say, she is becoming my new best friend! I love chewing on her legs, ears, get the picture. Apparently, celeb babies are highly fond of Sophie too. ;-)

Here I am with my new BFF...
And a video of us enjoying each other's company...

Here are my stats from my 4 month check-up:

Weight: 14.10 lbs. (Last month I weighed 13.2 lbs.)

Length: 25 inches (Last month I was 23. 5 inches. I've grown a whole inch and a half this month! Which explains why my onesies are getting so snug in the crotch!)

Scream Factor: This month it was off the charts! I had two shots so I decided this called for double the screams. I think neighboring towns could hear my screams on that day.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bumbo Boy

I love playing with Cash while he sits in his Bumbo seat. (Although I always call it his "potty" because that's what I think it looks like.) Yesterday Mom caught us on video while I was helping Cash play. As you can tell from the video, I like to make sure he has lots of toys on his tray! Cash throws them in the floor, I pick them up for him, he laughs, and that's pretty much how we play together. ;-)

Birthday Shout-Outs:

August 8 - Our cousin Zoey is turning 8!

August 8 - Our buddy Landen is turning 5!

August 10 - Aunt Kim's day to celebrate!

August 15 - Our dog Scout is turning 6! (in human years)

August 24 - Our cousin Cocoa (Fischer's dog) is turning 13! (in human years)

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About Us

Hi, we're Cooper & Cash.
We live with our parents, Phillip & Cindy.
We're brothers and this is our blog.

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

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