Blogger Hiatus
What happened to us? We have fallen off the blogger-wagon again! We'll just chalk it up to a winter hiatus from blogging. Looks like another recap is in order.
Santa was good to us this year and brought us lots of fun things. I was a little upset when I woke up Christmas morning and Santa wasn't at my house. Yes, he had been to drop off all of the goodies, but for some reason I had it in my head that he would be hanging out at my house just waiting for me to wake up. (Not exactly sure why I thought that or even why I would want to see the man since anytime I saw him at the stores, etc. I would flip out!) So Christmas morning was a little sad at first, but once I saw what he had left me I suddenly perked up. Cash, on the other hand, had a rough night! He was up all night long (and not because he was waiting for Santa). He had a new tooth coming in (complete with fever) and it kept him (and Mommy) up all night long. About 5:30 am Mommy finally got some zzz's but then we were up at 8:00 am to open presents. Needless to say, Christmas wore Mommy out!
Below are some shots of Christmas morning. My only request this year was a tractor, and that's exactly what I got (along with A LOT of other things)! And Cash got a fun new car exersaucer. He looks like one cool dude in it!
Check back again this week for another update on what we've been doing while on our blogging hiatus. ;-)
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