Thursday, April 30, 2009

Cash's 1st Blog Post!

I'm excited to try this thing Cooper has told me so much about...blogging! Seems pretty simple so we'll see how my first post goes. I recently turned one month old and went for my check-up with Dr. Suvan. It's no surprise that I like my milk, so I don't know why mom was so surprised to learn that I now weigh 9 lbs. 12 oz.! I've also grown a whole inch! My newborn size clothes were starting to get a little snug and now I know the reason why!

Some of my recent milestones are holding my head up on my own, tracking things in front of me and smiling--even though I'm not really smiling at much of anything other than probably gas!
Cooper has been a great big brother so far. He is always helping me and making sure I am staying happy. If I start to cry, he rushes over to Mommy to let her know that my "eyes are crying"...just in case she has gone deaf and can't hear me. ;-) And when I am playing in my little activity gym on the floor he likes to say, "You're doing a good job, Cash!" I love how he is always close by cheering me on!

Here's my one month photo...check out that belly!
And here's a pic of Coop and me playing in "the jungle"!

Now if I could just get this sleep thing down at night I'll be doing A-OK. I'm still pretty unpredictable when it comes to sleeping and you never know when I might sleep 5 hours straight or get up every 2 hours! And Mom and Dad really love it when I decide to wake up and stay up for a few hours at night. I usually do this around 3 a.m. or 4 a.m. and not go back to sleep for 2 hours or so. Gotta keep the 'rents on their toes, right?!

P.S. Coop and I get bummed when we don't Text Colorget any anyone out there even reading this?! If so, start showin' us some love! :)

May Birthday Shout-Outs:
May 8 - Fischer turns 2...woo-hoo!
May 31 - My girl Laney is turning 2!


Nina April 30, 2009 at 1:34 PM  

I love the big tummy!!

Mimi May 1, 2009 at 10:50 AM  

I check your blog almost every day, even though I know you guys really don't have time to post EVERY day. Love seeing all the pics. Keep up the good work.
Love you!

Sarah Kingree May 2, 2009 at 1:02 PM  

Cash you are so adorable!!!!! You are so lucky to have such a sweet big brother, Im sure you guys are gonna have so much fun together! Come see me soon, we have you a present...dont get too excited, its just clothes haha :)

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About Us

Hi, we're Cooper & Cash.
We live with our parents, Phillip & Cindy.
We're brothers and this is our blog.

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