Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Yankee Doodle Dandies

So it's only taken a little over 2 weeks to post about my 4th of July. Better late than never, right?

Anyway, the 4th started off as a lazy one for me. I had planned to join Fischer for the bike race, but instead slept in and missed it! Mommy was afraid to wake me up because I am NOT a happy camper when I don't get my much needed z's and it usually takes me a while to get going in the mornings. Needless to say, I wasn't a participant in this year's race. Hopefully, I can get out of bed in time for it next year...keep your fingers crossed!

So Daddy stayed home with Cash and me while we slept in and Mommy went and watched Fischer's racing debut. And I've been told it was quite the debut! He was the youngest racer there and his competition was a 3 year old girl and 4 year old boy. He managed to come away with the 2nd place trophy! Go Fischer!!! Here he is cheesin' for the camera as he whizzed by Mommy...

Cash and I did manage to get up in time to make it to the parade though. I loved getting the goodies everyone was throwing out from their floats!

Fischer and I having a snack while waiting for the parade to begin...

Fischer giving me the details of his big race!

Excited to see the parade coming down the street!

Cash decided to take a little nap during the parade...

And here he is awake!

Can't wait until next year and maybe Fischer, Cash and I will all be riding in the bike race!

Monday, July 6, 2009

3 Month Report

Went to see Dr. Suvan last Friday for my 3 month check-up and shots. Here's how it went...

Weight: 13.2 lbs. (last month I weighed 11.4 lbs.) Yes, I am becoming quite the chubby little man!

Length: 23.5 inches (last month I was 23 inches long)

Scream Factor: I'll give myself an 11 on a scale of 1-10. ha ha (last month I had pretty much the same reaction to the shots, so nothing new here.)

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Camo Coop

Haven't posted since Father's Day so I thought you might like to see what Cash and I got Dad for his special day.

Here I am modeling his new
camo Under Armour vest.

And here I am practicing callin' in the mallards with my duck call (again while sporting Dad's new vest.)

Here's one of Cash not looking very happy. I'm guessing it's because he didn't get a turn to wear the vest and blow on the duck call.

July Shout-Outs
July 1 - Kolyn is 3!
July 4 - Aunt Michelle's birthday!
July 5 - Great-Grandpa Thacker's day to celebrate!
July 10 - Mommy and Daddy's 5th Anniversary!
July 23 - Uncle Paul's Bday!
July 25 - Daddy's Happy Day!

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About Us

Hi, we're Cooper & Cash.
We live with our parents, Phillip & Cindy.
We're brothers and this is our blog.

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Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

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