Friday, October 30, 2009

On the Move

Since Mimi's birthday was yesterday I thought the best present I could give her would be to crawl on over and see her! Well, I'm not really crawling on all fours, but my means of transportation seems to be doing the job. It's more of a "wounded soldier drag" but, hey, it works for me so I'll just stick with it. Plus when I pair it with my rolling you better look out, because I can get around pretty fast! So hurry and mark it down on your calendar. As of October 29th I can officially say I am a crawler. ;-)

November Birthday Shout-Outs:

11/2 - Pepa Page's Birthday!

11/4 - Ava's 1st birthday!

11/9 - Woo-Hoo! Cooper turns 3!

11/9 - Happy birthday to Cooper's bday buddy Alex!

11/13 - Happy to you, Aunt "Weesa"! (Lisa)

Saturday, October 17, 2009

6 Month Report

Weight: 15.12 lbs. (Last month I weighed 15.10 lbs.) Not much of a gain here from last month, but Dr. Suvan assures Mommy that I am right on no need to worry. :-)

Height: 27 inches (Last month I was 26 1/2 inches.)

Food for thought: My current faves are sweet potatoes and bananas. I'm trying to learn to like peaches and avocados, but I make some of the worst faces when Mommy feeds them to me. Maybe she should try to find a new recipe for them. ;-)

Stick it to me: This month I received my flu and Hib vaccines. I am becoming an ol' pro at this because I barely even cried this time around.

What I like to do for fun: rolling, laughing, drooling, blowing raspberries, and watching my big brother entertain me.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Handy Man For Hire

Last Saturday I ventured out to the Home Depot Kids Workshop for a carpentry lesson. Daddy was busy working on his duck blind, but Mom thought surely she could manage a simple kids workshop. Well, I think it was a little harder than Mom had expected (since she is anything but a carpenter!), but we did pretty good...with a little help from a man at our table. ;-) And after a little "remodeling" work when Dad got home, I now have a full-functioning firehouse bank!

And since it rained ALL DAY yesterday, I finally got around to adding the finishing touches...

Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall Fun

We are lovin' this fall weather and last week we took full advantage of it. Here's some of the fun we had at the park...

October Birthday Shout-Outs

10/1 - Uncle Aaron's bday!

10/4 - Happy Birthday to Aunt Mary!

10/21 - Mom's day to celebrate!

10/27 - Grandma-Great's Birthday!

10/29 - Mimi's Happy Day!

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About Us

Hi, we're Cooper & Cash.
We live with our parents, Phillip & Cindy.
We're brothers and this is our blog.

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