Tuesday, November 24, 2009

7 Month Report

7 months

I went to my well-baby visit with Dr. Suvan and here is what he had to say...

Weight: 16 lbs. 12 oz. (Last month I weighed 15 lbs. 12 oz.)

Height: 27 1/2 inches long (Last month I was 27 inches long)

Food for thought: Dr. Suvan said I could try some of the baby food meats. Mom isn't too fond of these so we will probably just
skip them. Cooper didn't recommend them either so I'm not going to chance it. ;-)

Stick it to me: I received my pneumonia vaccine and also the oral rotavirus vaccine. Hardly any tears were shed. :-)

Chew on this: The doctor confirmed my new tooth. He couldn't find any other ones hiding out in my mouth though.

What I have been working on this past month:
I am one fast lil man on the floor. Put me down and I can drag myself all over the house. Sometimes I even get up on my hands and knees and rock back and forth. But I usually just flatten out and proceed with my "wounded soldier" drag.

My bouncy seat and swing have both been retired. I have moved on to the exersaucer and jumperoo. But honestly, I prefer to just roll and drag myself around the house.

I also had a good time this month celebrating Cooper's birthday with him. I would also like to thank everyone for my little brother gifts and also for not feeding me any cake or ice cream. My mom was pleased I made it out alive without a sugar high. ;-)


Mimi November 29, 2009 at 5:32 PM  

Cash, You are getting so big! Grandma Great had such a good time with you boys on Thanksgiving.

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Hi, we're Cooper & Cash.
We live with our parents, Phillip & Cindy.
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